An Important Email Public Archive Record Is Attached To This Post. This URL has both written copy as well as spoken voice text narrative interface of the email written to the Ryan White Program Administrative Supervisor Bonnie Flippin:


Good Day People of the Inland Empire HIV Community:

Boy Oh Boy do I have one hell of a story plight from hate to inform the community of. The source of this hate and harassment that I received in Denver was the social service agency of the Ryan White Care Act Funded Non-Profit Corporation of Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project [ Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP ]. The story that I am telling is the truth and that I am tagging each mention onto this post, they know the record is the truth.

I proclaim there is the bigger issue than just a single local incidental example of a bad acting company in the "supposed" supportive care field industry. I proclaim that the problem is actually a foundational one upon their creation time point that has been left to fester and go way out whack of oversight for more than 20 full years and it is now, only now, that the problem that I am introducing here is confirmed and collaborated across region to region to region with the professional job and employee/company social networking site of Glassdoor, where employee reviews are treated like gold and companies can't alter or remove the reviews, thus the name Glassdoor.

There is a great conspiracy to know that the problem within this industry is foundational across the entire national network and that it is insane to attempt to fix the matter at the local interface of client services of any one particular social service agency and/or their county Ryan White Program administrative role interface. I proclaim that no one can speak about the truth, that what occurs is blocking on facebook when speaking about these matters publically. They ignore and do not respond to emails in an appropriate topic related concern of these matters. They act as though there is nothing inherently wrong when there it is obvious to anyone who pays attention to details of the record on Glassdoor that there is a huge problem here that needs to be addressed.

No one is opening up the dialog opportunity. Those who are keeping this secret are evil to know that I hold the truth of disturbance trends and that I also hold a record detail of an 11-month hate and harassment campaign targeted against me, which I can prove beyond the preponderance of the evidence that the hate I received was sourced to be from those of the leadership control of Colorado Health Network. I

I had not yet fully formed this assessment when I had an eviction being placed to out me out of the community in HIV specific residential housing in Denver known as Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments -- but there was a tier level exposure event in October of 2016 that identified the source of conspirators to be internal of the building and not external of it, agents of hate. They filed for eviction [ Unlawful Detainer ] on November 30th, 2016, World Aids Day Eve. This is a great embarrassment to the industry field and especially the local Denver HIV/Aids community.

>>>> But they are acting as untouchables. <<<<

I suggest that Congress get involved to an independent audit of the financial records of any business operating entity of the Ryan White Care Act Funded social services network that is in any regional organization of foundation leadership where on Glassdoor the negative reviews of these mentioned companies show there is something working ill among this industry.

The Employee Review on Glassdoor [ Glassdoor ] for Cascade Aids Project of the Portland Oregon regional coverage area was authored by an obvious person who has a highly mindful attention to detail of these happenings internal of their organization when what was authored stands from Sept 2015. This is very disturbing. There will be additional materials attached in comment updates onto this post. For we have a trend of a cover-up happening at the San Bernardino Department of Public Health [ ] that is under the administration of Bonnie Flippin who have ignored and not responded to my direct emails and when I go onto Facebook, she blocks me there on her individual timeline page. She has to acknowledge these circumstances are grave and serious. If this post across onto the IEHPC is removed, then so too are you involved in the conspiracy cover-up that I have indeed connections on Twitter to the official authorized account of the FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation. These matters are disturbing.


The One Glassdoor employee review showing that the shit has hit the fan is found here:…/Employee-Review-Cascade-AIDS-Pr…

This will be detailed into this record below in an attached comment.

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James M Driskill There is an email addressed to the San Bernardino County District Attorney's office [ San Bernardino County District Attorney ]:

Publicly "name binded" filed here:

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